
Name's Rabi'atul Adawiyah Bte Parian .
Stepped into Earth on 16/12/92.
Grew up with cats around her.
Addicted to sweets and such.
Hyperactive with friends but can be annoying.


BeLoved People♥♥

ღLiL Miss Lizaღ
ღLiL Miss Tashaღ
ღLiL Miss Suღ
ღLiL Miss Yaniღ
ღMr Sapღ
ღLiL Miss Qღ
ღLiL Miss єfahchanღ
ღLiL Miss єeღ
ღLiL Miss Ifahღ
ღMr Zღ
ღLiL Miss Tiaraღ
ღLiL Miss Tufahღ

OlD n NeW♥♥

ღMr Kimmyღ
ღLil Miss Karinღ
ღLiL Miss Shamilaaahღ
ღLiL Miss Shilahღ
ღLiL Miss Yunnieღ
ღLiL Miss Aileenღ
ღLiL Miss IkaBuღ
ღLiL Miss Imahღ
ღLil Miss Amiraღ
ღLil Miss Hui Lingღ
ღMr Dyanღ
ღMr Luisღ
ღMr Neillღ
ღ4e8 cLaSS bLoGღ



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Latest Posts♥♥

Hello again.The sleepover at my aunt's house was c...
To a new year, a new start.Which means a new blog ...


January 2009
December 2009
April 2010

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hey to all readers.
For today's post,
I actually wanted to post some random pics I took during the 's event at my aunt's house.
Unfortunately there was a technically difficulty, so I guess you guys will have to wait.
At school I actually slept for an hour cause my teacher was not present and the weather was damn cold even though the sun was shinning brightly.
After English lesson was over, I felt better.
I felt as if a load of weight was off my chest.
Now, I'm not going to bore you with my school life.
So, I'll try my best to upload the random pictures as soon as possible
For now,

8:34 PM
